Microfinance Loans
Do you have a special business plan in mind? Starting a business can be challenging whether it is a restaurant or sari-sari store, we are here to help you realize your dreams. Contact our loan officers today to talk about the possibilities for your business!
KITA stands for Kita Insakto (Sufficient Income), Tipon (Bigger Savings), Asenso (Growth). This product aims to provide opportunities for microenterprise operators to expand their business activities, increase their income, improve their capacity to save, and enhance their status as productive members of their respective communities.
Loanable Amount: Minimum of P10,000 to a maximum of P300,000 (for first loan cycle)
Loan Term: 3 to 12 months
Eligibility Criteria:
- Micro-entrepreneurs, 18 to 65 years old;
- Microenterprise for at least one (1) year;
- Has a regular daily, weekly, or monthly income;
- Resident of at least two (2) years within CANBNK service area or current home-
owner of a residence; - Without any existing history of delinquent/past due loan with Cantilan Bank, Inc. or any other Creditor/s
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