Back to Back Loan
If you have an unexpected financial emergency and are in immediate need of a loan, Back-to-Back has got your back. We offer competitive interest rates and simple repayment terms. Approval is fast and stress free, apply now or visit our nearest bank branch – and have your money in 24 hours!
An individual loan granted to CANBNK depositors. This product aims to provide affordable and customized credit window to depositors for a wide array of purposes, from investment to a mere personal or family use in nature.
Loanable Mount: Amount of loan is dependent on the amount of deposit which shall not exceed 100% deposit balance
Loan Term: 1 to 12 months
- For Certificate of Time Deposit, it shall not exceed to the maturity date of the certificate of time deposit or 12 months whichever is shorter.
- For Savings Deposit, term of loan shall not exceed 12 months.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be a depositor of CANBNK and willing to assign his deposits;
- Of legal age
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